Thursday, March 20, 2014

Comparing John Green

For this blog post I wanted to switch it up a little bit. Instead of talking about what I am reading right now, I want to talk about John Green as an author. I have finished reading Looking for Alaska, and The Fault in Our Stars, and I am currently reading An Abundance of Katherine's. After reading a lot of his work, I really like John Green as an author. His style is so different from other authors that I am used to like Jodi Picoult. His books are very easy to relate to and they have plot lines that may actually be real for some people reading his novels. Something about his style of writing also makes me want to read more of his books. I can't pinpoint if it is the style of the point of view he uses or the actual structure of the novel. I like the fact that all three books have short chapters and each of them get to the point of what they are explaining.  Every part of the book is evolving from another part and John Green does that on purpose. For example, the fact that Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars, reads a certain book comes back into play when Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam to find out the ending of the book. Some of the smallest details always come back into play with John Green books. John Green is also amazing at imagery. Every single scene has enough details that you can put yourself in the scene in your head. I really like this because sometimes it is hard to enjoy a book if there is not enough detail to picture the scene in your head. The overall tone of John Green books are very comforting. I don't exactly know why it seems so comforting but something about these books calms me down and makes me want to read more John Green books until there are no more left. They are all so different but all have structural things in common and some plot lines overlap enough to still enjoy the individual books.

1 comment:

  1. check out the vlogbrothers or crash course on youtube. He is all over the internet!
