Thursday, March 20, 2014

An Abundance of Katherine's #2

In An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green, Colin and Hasaan take a road trip away from Chicago to get away from the real world.  This concept of just leaving with a friend and some money just interests me so much. I don't think I could ever do it myself but the fact that Colin and Hasaan did it makes me think about how it would be if I ever did get away. I feel a connection to the innocence of Colin. Even though it is not obvious, I get the feeling that Colin is very apprehensive about new situations. He is the "goody-good" of the novel. I have a lot less knowledge than Colin but I get nervous with new situations even if I am not good at showing it. As a character, Colin has some qualities that are similar to me but we are also very different. I think as the story continues, I will see more sides of Colin that I can relate to because we are both kind of shy and sheltered in a sense that we have not experienced much which makes us nervous for new things. One of my favorite parts of John Green's books is how relatable the characters are. Even though I haven't related to some characters in his other books, I feel like other readers can. These connections with characters make the book more enjoyable to read because I know when I connect with a character, I contrast their situation with how I would react in a similar situation. In An Abundance of Katherine's, Colin goes along with the road trip and doesn't seem to mind. But if I were in his situation, I might like it at first but after a while I would be home sick. This also makes me predict what will happen in the future of the book because I know what I would do and I wonder what Colin will do.

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