Sunday, May 18, 2014

TFIOS Trailer vs. Book

One of my favorite books is coming out as a movie this June. This book is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I recently read this book and I was so excited to hear about it coming out. I saw the trailer of the movie and I wanted to write about what I think the differences will be between the book and the movie. The biggest difference I think will be when Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam and meet with the author. This was a very big part in the book and I feel like it will not be as big a deal in the movie. I think the movie will be more centered about their love and the little time they have. I really hope that it stays on track with the book because one of my other favorite books, My Sister's Keeper, had a totally different movie ending from the book and I did not like it at all. Everyone always says that the book is better and I think that will still be the case after The Fault in Our Stars comes out. John Green, however, did a great job of making the story so that it seems that it could actually happen so it's not going to be so make believe that it is hard to enjoy. I think that people that haven't read the book are at a disadvantage because they will not know how the story is supposed to go and how/if it will be different in the book. This is the first movie and book duo that I have been very interested in and excited to see the differences. I think after I see the movie, I want to read the book again to get that full affect of the story being very similar or completely different. I really enjoyed  the book and I hope that I can enjoy the movie as well. I also think that the book will make the movie more emotional because it will be my imaginations of certain scenes being brought to life. I don't think the movie will suffer with the emotions that the book did. I can't wait to see the movie and compare it to the book. Every time I see the trailer I get more and more excited. I want to continue reading books like this especially ones by John Green.

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