Monday, January 6, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars Blog #1

Since I last blogged, I have read another John Green book and I have to admit that I liked The Fault in Our Stars much better than Looking For Alaska. John Green's style as an author just intrigues me and I can not even pinpoint exactly what it is about his writing that I like so much. Going into TFIOS, I knew that it was going to be a sad book but at the same time it was so happy. Through these fictional characters, Augustus and Hazel, I could feel as if I was reading about a real relationship that was happening in real life and I loved it. However, there is a plot twist that I was not expecting right in the middle of the book. Hazel has cancer and Augustus started the book as being in remission from cancer. But when the couple travels to Amsterdam as a wish for Augustus, he shares that he went to the doctor for a check-up and the cancer had spread to many parts of his body and it is terminal. At the beginning of the book, I thought that Augustus would have been the one dealing with Hazel's death because her cancer is also going to be terminal. But the plot twist happened and Hazel had to go through the heartbreaking event that was Augustus' death, her first love. I never expected this plot twist because Augustus was acting as such a strong man, recovering and getting better every day, but it was the opposite. It did make the story more interesting and when Augustus told Hazel that the cancer had come back, I felt for them in the moment and actually cried while reading the plot twist. I usually don't cry at books and I know I liked this book when I cried at what was happening. I think without this plot twist, the book's ending was very predictable and I think that was the reason John Green included such a heart-wrenching plot twist. I think John Green does a great job giving details about the characters which makes the plot twist a lot more difficult to read and not get emotional. However, I did not like how the plot twist happened and then Augustus died not long after. And I know that is the point but I wish there were a couple more events in between to really feel the sadness between Hazel and Augustus. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and the plot twist made the book ten times better, but also ten times more sad.

1 comment:

  1. Looking for Alaska was his first book--I think he was still figuring out who he wanted to be as a writer. TFIOS is much more accomplished--the characters are more dynamic and he has figured out how to work out a sad ending that somehow makes you feel ok about life as well. My favorite is Paper Towns, 'cause it has Walt Whitman in it
