Sunday, May 18, 2014

90 Minutes In Heaven

I started a new book recently called 90 Minutes in Heaven which is a true story of Don Piper. Don Piper got into a car accident and was pronounced dead instantly. However, Don says he experienced heaven and its beauty and came back to life. It wasn't until after 90 minutes was Don back to life with the memories of heaven. My mom recommended this book to me and I was unsure if I was going to like it. It's a very cool concept to think about, to die and come back and have these memories of heaven. I was skeptical at first but when I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I didn't favor the way the book was written but after some getting used to, it wasn't that bad. I really enjoyed how Don Piper explained heaven and it was exactly how I imagine it would be in my head. There have been many stories of people thinking they have been to heaven but this book made me think that these people were not crazy and actually might have experienced heaven for a short time. This book also has a great meaning behind it which I learned from. It seems to help cope with losing a loved one and to never take people you care about for granted. Luckily for Don, he came back to write about his experience to share with others. I am excited to continue reading because I think this experience changed Don's life even though I do not personally know him. It is a very influential book and a "feel-good" story. It makes you really think about what could be up in heaven and it made me want to become more spiritual in my life. I really enjoy that someone else's story could have such an impact in my life that I want to get more spiritual. I recommend this book because it has a unique story that I think anyone could get something out of.

TFIOS Trailer vs. Book

One of my favorite books is coming out as a movie this June. This book is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I recently read this book and I was so excited to hear about it coming out. I saw the trailer of the movie and I wanted to write about what I think the differences will be between the book and the movie. The biggest difference I think will be when Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam and meet with the author. This was a very big part in the book and I feel like it will not be as big a deal in the movie. I think the movie will be more centered about their love and the little time they have. I really hope that it stays on track with the book because one of my other favorite books, My Sister's Keeper, had a totally different movie ending from the book and I did not like it at all. Everyone always says that the book is better and I think that will still be the case after The Fault in Our Stars comes out. John Green, however, did a great job of making the story so that it seems that it could actually happen so it's not going to be so make believe that it is hard to enjoy. I think that people that haven't read the book are at a disadvantage because they will not know how the story is supposed to go and how/if it will be different in the book. This is the first movie and book duo that I have been very interested in and excited to see the differences. I think after I see the movie, I want to read the book again to get that full affect of the story being very similar or completely different. I really enjoyed  the book and I hope that I can enjoy the movie as well. I also think that the book will make the movie more emotional because it will be my imaginations of certain scenes being brought to life. I don't think the movie will suffer with the emotions that the book did. I can't wait to see the movie and compare it to the book. Every time I see the trailer I get more and more excited. I want to continue reading books like this especially ones by John Green.